- Global trading is now made online; people do not require meeting or seeing each other. However the greatest obstacle to development of online business is the trust issue.
- Reliability is the main problem between the companies or individuals doing online business together
- It is becoming more and more important to publish the necessary information, documents and certifications online, but they are easy to change or modify. Local researches and verifications are possible but it takes time and effort; verification in global scale is nearly impossible.
- Although there are companies with correct information, there are also the ones with modified or false information, certificates and documents.
- Information and documents can be easily changed; modified or incorrect ones can be published online without any verification. But these published documents, certificates and information have to be verified to protect the companies to stop fraud and develop a reliable business environment.
- GAV System verifies the information from its source, certificates the reliable and sufficient individuals/companies, therefore it stops fraud and makes the global trading much safer.
- This system is invented and founded by BIRIM INC. makes us understand verified information is the most important part of the business. As a result.
- One Step Ahead on Digital Platforms
- Save Time and Money
- Develop your Business
Reliability is the first step of the online business relations between suppliers and buyers; it is hard to start business without the trust of two sides. You can pass this first step by getting Global Authentication Verification System Certificate from Gavcert.com and have a strong first impression that you have verified your information, documents and certificates. You can use your certificate number anywhere; this number can be easily tracked on Gavcert.com. You can present GAV Certificate and GAV Logo to your business partners to start reliable business relationships.
GAV Certificate makes you and your company the reliable choice therefore you have the advantage on digital platforms and one step ahead of your rivals.
You are no longer have to make a research about business partners, you can save time and money, knowing that the given information is already verified.
Now you have GAV Certificate, you can focus on your business and keep being the first choice of suppliers/buyers.
Our priorities are impartiality, righteousness and honesty. We don’t have any connection with consultant organizations. Even the costumers are directed by the consultants, standard GAV CERTIFICATION SYSTEM procedure is applied. There isn’t any easier, faster or cheaper way other than the standard procedure.
We will always work with the reliable costumers, business partners and personnels to serve and enhance costumer satisfaction.
We will fulfill our responsibilities to all of our costumers and rivals, the society and humanity.
Trust of all sides is our main value. Anyone can access to our non-confidential information and check the certificates online.
All of our costumers have a right to criticize or complain about our services. We will give our best effort to solve the problem with the thought of increasing the service quality.
We will avoid any conflicts of interest. We will not take advantage of our position.
GLOBAL AUTHENTİCATİON VERİFİCATİON SYSTEM is founded and firstly used by BIRIM BILGI ve ILETISIM HIZMETLERI TICARET, INC. on August 2012 after completing all the terms and conditions about the certification system. The system has ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 10002 Costumer Satisfaction certificates.
The system’s verification progress, decisions, judgments and actions can not be affected or changed.
Verification and Certification Progress Includes;
- The judgments of the committees, auditors, test-makers, supervisors can not be affected or changed by any organization or individual person,
- All individuals/corporates will be received equal and impartial service through the certification progress,
- GAV organization or any of its staff will not provide consultancy service to the individuals or corporates during verification progress,
- By Risk Analysis Table, GAV will not affect the independence of the verification progress ,
- All GAV services will be detached from other services of our organization. The services will be performed by the educated, respectful and experienced staff with the independence, impartiality, reliability, fastness and privacy principles.
- All resources will be provided to maintain the best service, smooth verification progress, customer satisfaction. All staff will be trained casually about the Verification and Certification System.
- All applications and actions will meet the requirements of the current accreditation, laws, regulations and manifestos.
I hereby declare that all the information given above is true and correct.
Chairman of the Board